Crime Watch is a voluntary, paid-membership program that is open to Town Creek residents ONLY.  The formula is simple – the more members we have, the more patrol hours we can afford. The Crime Watch Advisory Committee attempts to schedule patrol hours thought to be most critical based on crime patterns and advice from the Dallas Police Department. It stands to reason, more paid members, more patrol hours. And, our officers will be the first to tell you what a remarkable deterrent the Crime Watch program really is. With everyone’s participation, criminals who seek easy targets are unlikely to target our neighborhood.





Town Creek promotes safety in our neighborhood with its highly effective Crime Watch Program. As an Enhanced Neighborhood Patrol (ENP) program through the Dallas Police Department, our Crime Watch Program remains one of the largest such programs in the city of Dallas. Founded in 1992, the Town Creek Crime Watch Program has always been funded by the generosity of those homeowners who choose to join. Even during economic downturns, it has remained one of the most progressive and successful neighborhood crime deterrents in the Dallas/FW area. Continued success, however, depends upon the number of residents who remain or become new members.


The program is administered by the Town Creek Crime Watch Advisory Committee under the auspices of the HOA Board of Directors. A small portion of the dues collected is allocated for administrative costs (about 3% each year). The balance, approximately 97%, goes to hire off-duty Dallas police officers to patrol our streets in DPD marked squad cars (rented at an hourly rate) to patrol our neighborhood streets and alleys at random hours – some daytime, some at night.  There are statistics (published in our monthly Crime Watch Reports) documenting deterrence and prevention of criminal activity, thus protecting our homes, automobiles, loved ones and overall property values. Because funding for this program is voluntary, it is tempting for some to financially coast while receiving some of the member benefits by virtue of living in Town Creek. Naturally, the Crime Watch Advisory Committee and the HOA Boards would like to encourage everyone to join and receive all benefits.


TOGETHER, we can more effectively reduce crime in our neighborhood!

Program Enhancements

Crime Watch Benefits

VIP Program

Member Reports & Alerts!

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